Author Guidelines

  • Overview

    All authors, editors and publishers are encouraged to read these guidelines. By following these guidelines, you will make the collaboration process smooth and enjoyable for all. If you don't agree with any of them, do make suggestions. It's likely that these guidelines will evolve as more members start using Devopedia.

    Many of these guidelines are inspired by and adapted from Wikipedia Policies and Guidelines. Our licensing is compatible with that of Wikimedia Foundation. At Devopedia, we don't impose strict policies. Our guidelines are best practices that make common sense. The community defines them and is free to change them if found unsuitable. Changes to these guidelines are via forum discussions, mediation, voting, or a combination of these.

    Two other web pages give a good introduction to Devopedia, About Devopedia and Terms of Use. These two pages contain information relevant to authoring of content on Devopedia. Some of that information are probably not repeated in these guidelines. Hence you are encouraged to read those pages as well.

    If you're a first-time author on Devopedia, you can study some existing articles to get an idea of what we cover, the style of writing and the format. Browse recent articles.

    Articles are written in Markdown syntax, which is briefly described in the Syntax & Style page.

    If you like to learn from examples, head to the Good & Bad Examples page.

    Authors and reviewers can download a cheatsheet of reference and citation syntax.

    How-To Guides

    View all the how-to guides at a playlist on our YouTube channel. We feature a couple of them below:

    Introduction to Devopedia, for New Authors
    How to Create Vector Illustrations with

    External Resources

    Here are some external resources to help you improve your technical writing skills: