Bidirectional RNN
Many applications are sequential in nature. One input follows another in time. Dependencies among these give us important clues as to how they should be processed. Since Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) model the flow of time, they're suited for these applications.
RNN has the limitation that it processes inputs in strict temporal order. This means current input has context of previous inputs but not the future. Bidirectional RNN (BRNN) duplicates the RNN processing chain so that inputs are processed in both forward and reverse time order. This allows a BRNN to look at future context as well.
Two common variants of RNN include GRU and LSTM. LSTM does better than RNN in capturing long-term dependencies. Bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM) in particular is a popular choice in NLP. These variants are also within the scope of this article.
Could you explain Bidirectional RNN with an example? Consider the phrase, 'He said, "Teddy ___". From these three opening words it's difficult to conclude if the sentence is about Teddy bears or Teddy Roosevelt. This is because the context that clarifies Teddy comes later. RNNs (including GRUs and LSTMs) are able to obtain the context only in one direction, from the preceding words. They're unable to look ahead into future words.
Bidirectional RNNs solve this problem by processing the sequence in both directions. Typically, two separate RNNs are used: one for forward direction and one for reverse direction. This results in a hidden state from each RNN, which are usually concatenated to form a single hidden state.
The final hidden state goes to a decoder, such as a fully connected network followed by softmax. Depending on the design of the neural network, the output from a BRNN can either be the complete sequence of hidden states or the state from the last time step. If a single hidden state is given to the decoder, it comes from the last states of each RNN.
What are some applications of Bidirectional RNN? BiLSTM has become a popular architecture for many NLP tasks. An early application of BiLSTM was in the domain of speech recognition. Other applications include sentence classification, sentiment analysis, review generation, or even medical event detection in electronic health records.
BiLSTM has been used for POS tagging and Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD). For Named Entity Recognition (NER), Lample et al. used word representations that captured both character-level characteristics and word-level context. These were fed into a BiLSTM encoder layer. The sequence of hidden states was decoded by a CRF layer.
For lemmatization, one study used two-layer bidirectional GRUs for the encoder. The decoder was a conditional GRU plus another GRU layer. Another study used a two-layer BiLSTM encoder and a one-layer LSTM decoder. A stack of four BiLSTMs has been used for Semantic Role Labelling (SRL).
In general, the paradigm of embed-encode-attend-predict has become popular in NLP work. The encode part benefits from BiLSTM, which has been shown to capture position-sensitive features.
Beyond NLP, BiLSTM has been applied to image processing applications such as OCR.
What are merge modes in Bidirectional RNN? Merge mode is about how forward and backward hidden states should be combined before being passed on to the next layer. In Keras package, supported modes are summation, multiplication, concatenation and averaging. The default mode is concatenation and this is what most research papers use.
In MathWorks, as on December 2019, only concatenation was supported.
What are some limitations of Bidirectional RNN? One limitation with BRNN is that the entire sequence must be available before we can make predictions. For some applications such as real-time speech recognition, the entire utterance may not be available and BRNN may not be adequate.
In the case of language models, the task is to predict the next word given preceding words. BRNN is clearly not suitable since it expects future words as well. Applying BRNN in this application will give poor accuracy. Moreover, BRNN is slower than RNN since results of the forward pass must be available for the backward pass to proceed. Gradients will therefore have a long dependency chain.
LSTMs capture long-term dependencies better than RNN and also solve the exploding/vanishing gradient problem. However, stacking many layers of BiLSTM creates the vanishing gradient problem. Deep neural networks so successful with CNNs are not so successful with BiLSTMs.
![BiLSTM recognizes the phonemes better than either forward or backward LSTM alone. Source: Graves and Schmidhuber 2005, fig. 1. BiLSTM recognizes the phonemes better than either forward or backward LSTM alone. Source: Graves and Schmidhuber 2005, fig. 1.](/images/article/239/1238.1582565901.s.jpg)
For phoneme classification in speech recognition, Graves and Schmidhuber use Bidirectional LSTM and obtain good results. It's based on the insight that humans often understand sounds and words only after hearing the future context. In particular, often we don't require an output immediately upon receiving an input. We can afford to wait for a sequence of inputs and then work on the output. They also show that BRNN takes eight times longer to converge than BiLSTM.
![Pre-trained LM used to initialize hidden states between two bidirectional GRUs. Source: Peters et al. 2017, fig. 2. Pre-trained LM used to initialize hidden states between two bidirectional GRUs. Source: Peters et al. 2017, fig. 2.](/images/article/239/2469.1582565921.s.png)
Pre-trained word embeddings are commonly used in neural networks for NLP. However, they don't capture context. Supervised learning for capturing context uses limited labelled data. To overcome this limitation, Peters et al. use BiLSTM to learn a language model (LM) and initialize a neural network for sequence tagging. This network uses two-layer bidirectional GRUs. They experiment with NER and chunking. They find best result when LM embeddings are used at the output of the first layer.
![Comparing the architectures of Deep Stacked BiLSTM vs. Densely Connected BiLSTM. Source: Ding et al. 2018, fig. 2. Comparing the architectures of Deep Stacked BiLSTM vs. Densely Connected BiLSTM. Source: Ding et al. 2018, fig. 2.](/images/article/239/3047.1582566109.s.png)
When BRNNs are stacked, they suffer from vanishing gradients and overfitting. Ding et al. propose a Densely Connected BiLSTM (DC-BiLSTM) as a solution. This essentially means that a layer's hidden state includes the hidden states of all preceding layers. They show that the proposed architecture can handle up to 20 layers while improving performance over BiLSTM.
Peters et al. publish details of a language model called Embeddings from Language Models (ELMo). ELMo representations are deep, that is, they're a linear combination of the states of all LSTM layers rather than using only the top layer representation. They show that higher layers capture context-dependent semantics whereas lower layers capture syntax. While their model uses both forward and backward LSTMs, forward LSTM stack is independent of the backward LSTM stack. Representations at each layer of the two stacks are concatenated. For this reason, they use the term Bidirectional Language Model (BiLM).
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- Lee, Ceshine. 2017. "Understanding Bidirectional RNN in PyTorch." Towards Data Science, on Medium, November 13. Accessed 2020-02-24.
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- Peters, Matthew E., Waleed Ammar, Chandra Bhagavatula, and Russell Power. 2017. "Semi-supervised sequence tagging with bidirectional language models." arXiv, v1, April 29. Accessed 2020-02-24.
- Peters, Matthew, Mark Neumann, Mohit Iyyer, Matt Gardner, Christopher Clark, Kenton Lee, and Luke Zettlemoyer. 2018. "Deep Contextualized Word Representations." Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long Papers), pp. 2227-2237, June. Accessed 2020-02-24.
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- Schuster, Mike and Kuldip K. Paliwal. 1997. "Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks." IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 45, no. 11, pp. 2673-2681, November. Accessed 2019-11-16.
- Uppal, Akshay. 2019. "Sentence classification using Bi-LSTM." Towards Data Science, on Medium, March 28. Accessed 2020-02-24.
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- Wu, Yonghui, Mike Schuster, Zhifeng Chen, Quoc V. Le, Mohammad Norouzi, Wolfgang Macherey, Maxim Krikun, Yuan Cao, Qin Gao, Klaus Macherey, Jeff Klingner, Apurva Shah, Melvin Johnson, Xiaobing Liu, Łukasz Kaiser, Stephan Gouws, Yoshikiyo Kato, Taku Kudo, Hideto Kazawa, Keith Stevens, George Kurian, Nishant Patil, Wei Wang, Cliff Young, Jason Smith, Jason Riesa, Alex Rudnick, Oriol Vinyals, Greg Corrado, Macduff Hughes, and Jeffrey Dean. 2016. "Google's Neural Machine Translation System: Bridging the Gap between Human and Machine Translation." v1, arXiv, September 26. Updated 2016-10-08. Accessed 2019-06-13.
- Zaki, Amr. 2019. "Multilayer Bidirectional LSTM/GRU for text summarization made easy (tutorial 4)." Hackernoon, March 30. Accessed 2020-02-24.
- Zhang, Aston, Zack C. Lipton, Mu Li, and Alex J. Smola. 2019. "Section 9.4: Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks." In: Dive into Deep Learning, Preview Version V0.7, December 5. Accessed 2020-02-24.
Further Reading
- Schuster, Mike and Kuldip K. Paliwal. 1997. "Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks." IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 45, no. 11, pp. 2673-2681, November. Accessed 2019-11-16.
- Brownlee, Jason. 2017. "How to Develop a Bidirectional LSTM For Sequence Classification in Python with Keras." Machine Learning Mastery, June 16. Updated 2019-08-14. Accessed 2019-11-17.
- Zhang, Aston, Zack C. Lipton, Mu Li, and Alex J. Smola. 2019. "Section 9.4: Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks." In: Dive into Deep Learning, Preview Version V0.7, December 5. Accessed 2020-02-24.
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See Also
- Recurrent Neural Network
- Long Short-Term Memory
- Attention Mechanism in Neural Networks
- Neural Networks for NLP
- Hidden Markov Model
- Conditional Random Field