Consider the words 'am', 'are', and 'is'. These come from the same root word 'be'. Likewise, 'dinner' and 'dinners' can be reduced to 'dinner'. Variations of a word are called wordforms or surface forms. It's often complex to handle all such variations in software. By reducing these wordforms to a common root, we simplify the input. The root form is called lemma. An algorithm or program that determines lemmas from wordforms is called a lemmatizer.
For example, Oxford English Dictionary of 1989 has about 615K lemmas as an upper bound. Shakespeare's works have about 880K words, 29K wordforms, and 18K lemmas.
Lemmatization involves word morphology, which is the study of word forms. Typically, we identify the morphological tags of a word before selecting the lemma.
Why do we need to find the lemma of a word? Many NLP tasks can benefit from lemmatization. For instance, topic modelling looks at word distribution in a document. By normalizing words to a common form, we get better results. In word embeddings, that is, representing words as real-valued vectors, removing inflected wordforms can improve downstream NLP tasks.
For information retrieval (IR), lemmatization helps with query expansion so that suitable matches are returned even if there's not an exact word match. In document clustering, it's useful to reduce the number of tokens. It also helps in machine translation.
Ultimately, the decision to use lemmas is application dependent. We should use lemmas only if they show better performance.
What are the challenges with lemmatization? Out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words is a challenge. For example, WordNet that's used by NLTK package for lemmatization, doesn't have the word 'carmaking'. The lemmatizer therefore doesn't relate this to 'carmaker'.
It difficult to construct rules for irregular word inflections. The word 'bring' might look like an inflected form of 'to bre' but it's not. Even more challenging is a word such as 'gehört' in German. It's a participle of 'hören' (to hear) or of 'gehören' (to belong). Both are valid but only the context of usage can help us derive the correct lemma. It's for these reasons that neural network approaches to learning rules are preferred over hand-crafted rules.
When content comes from Internet or social media, it's impractical to use predefined dictionary. This is another reason for a neural network approach with an open vocabulary.
Even with neural networks, some inflected forms might never occur in training, such as, 'forbade', the past tense of 'forbid'. Many training corpora come from newspaper texts where verbs in second person are rare. This can impact lemmatization of such forms.
How is lemmatization different from stemming? Given a wordform, stemming is a simpler way to get to its root form. Stemming simply removes prefixes and suffixes. Lemmatization on the other hand does morphological analysis, uses dictionaries and often requires part of speech information. Thus, lemmatization is a more complex process.
Stems need not be dictionary words but lemmas always are. Another way to say this is that "a lemma is the base form of all its inflectional forms, whereas a stem isn't".
Wordforms are either inflectional (change of tense, singular/plural) or derivational (change of part of speech or meaning). Lemmatization usually collapses inflectional forms whereas stemming does this for derivational forms.
Stemming may suffice for many use cases in English. For morphologically complex languages such as Arabic, lemmatization is essential.
There are two types of problems with stemming that lemmatization can solve:
- Two wordforms with different lemmas may stem to the same result. Eg. 'universal' and 'university' result in same stem 'univers'.
- Two wordforms of same lemma may end as two different stems. Eg. 'good' and 'better' have the same lemma 'good'.
Which are the available models for lemmatization? The classical approach is to use a Finite State Transducer (FST). FST models encode vocabulary and string rewrite rules. Where there are multiple encoding rules, there's ambiguity. We can think of FST as reading the surface form from an input tape and writing the lexical form to an output tape. There could be intermediate tapes for spelling changes, etc.
One well-known tool is Helsinki Finite State Toolkit (HFST) that makes use of other open source tools such as SFST and OpenFST.
Chrupała formalized lemmatization in 2006 by treating it as a string-to-string transduction task. Given a word w, we get its morphological attributes m. To obtain the lemma l, we calculate the probability P(l|w,m). This uses features based on (l,w,m). It then trains a Maximum-Entropy Markov Model (MEMM), one each for POS tags and lemmas. Müller improved on this by using Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) for jointly learning tags and lemmas.
One researcher combined the best of stemming and lemmatization.
Which are the neural network approaches to lemmatization? A well-known model is the Sequence-to-Sequence (seq2seq) neural network. Words and their lemmas are processed character by character. Input can include POS tags. Every input is represented using word embeddings.
To deal with lemma ambiguity, we need to make use of the context. Bidirectional LSTM networks, that are based on RNNs, are able to do this. They take in a sequence of words to produce context-sensitive vectors. Then the lemmatizer uses automatically generated rules (pretrained by another neural network) to arrive at the lemma. However, such ambiguity is so rare that seq2seq architecture may be more efficient. Encoder-decoder architecture using GRU is another approach to handle unseen or ambiguous words.
Turku NLP based on NN provides one of the state-of-the-art lemmatizers. Other good ones are UDPipe Future and Stanford NLP, although the latter performs poorly for low-resource languages, for which CUNI x-ling excels.
Could you mention some tools that can do lemmatization? In Python, NLTK has
class to determine lemmas. It includes the option to pass the part of speech to help us obtain the correct lemmas. Other Python-based lemmatizers are in packages spaCy, TextBlob, Pattern and GenSim.Stanford's LemmaProcessor is another Python-based lemmatizer. It allows us to select a seq2seq model, a dictionary model or a trivial identity model. For Chinese, a dictionary model is adequate. In Vietnamese, lemma is identical to original word. Hence, identity model will suffice.
TreeTagger does POS tagging plus gives lemma information. It supports 20 natural languages. Another multilingual framework is GATE DictLemmatizer, which is based on HFST and word-lemma dictionaries available form Wiktionary. We can use wiktextract to download and process Wiktionary data dumps.
LemmaGen is an open source multilingual platform with implementations or bindings in C++, C# and Python. In .NET, there's LemmaGenerator. There's a Java implementation of Morpha.
Thus far, rules have been applied in a cascade. Kimmo Koskenniemi invents two-level morphology, where rules can be applied in parallel. Rules are seen as symbol-by-symbol constraints. Lexical lookup and morphological analysis are done in tandem. It's only in 1985 that the first two-level rules compiler is invented.
Karttunen et al. show how we can compile regular expressions to create finite state transducers. The use finite state transducers for morphological analysis and generation is well known but it's application in other areas of NLP are not well known. The authors show how to use them for date parsing, date validation and tokenization.
Grzegorz Chrupała publishes Simple data-driven context-sensitive lemmatization. Lemmatization is modelled as a classification problem where the algorithm chooses one of many "edit trees" that can transform a word to its lemma. Such trees are induced from wordform-lemma pairs. This work leads to a PhD dissertation in 2008 and the system is named Morfette.
Many NLP systems take a pipeline approach. They do tagging followed by lemmatization, since POS tags can help the lemmatizer disambiguate. But there's a mutual dependency between tagging and lemmatization. Müller et al. present a system called Lemming that jointly does POS tagging and lemmatization using Conditional Random Fields (CRFs). It can also analyze OOV words. This work sets a new baseline for lemmatization on six languages.
Bergmanis and Goldwater use encoder-decoder NN architecture in a lemmatizer they name as Lematus. Both encoder and decoder are 2-layer Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU). They compare its performance against context-free systems. They use character contexts of each form to be lemmatized. Thus, training resources needed are less. They note that context-free systems may be adequate if a language has many unseen words but few ambiguous words.
Malaviya et al. use a NN model to jointly learn morphological tags and lemmas. They use a encoder-decoder model with hard attention mechanism. In particular, they use a 2-layer LSTM for morphological tagging. For the lemmatizer, they use 2-layer BiLSTM encoder and 1-layer LSTM decoder. They compare their results with other state-of-the-art models: Lematus, UDPipe, Lemming, and Morfette.
Sample Code
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- Kanerva, Jenna, Filip Ginter, and Tapio Salakoski. 2019. "Universal Lemmatizer: A Sequence to Sequence Model for Lemmatizing Universal Dependencies Treebanks." August 04. Accessed 2019-10-10.
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- Malaviya, Chaitanya, Shijie Wu, and Ryan Cotterell. 2019. "A Simple Joint Model for Improved Contextual Neural Lemmatization." arXiv, v2, April 05. Accessed 2019-10-11.
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- Müller, Thomas, Ryan Cotterell, Alexander Fraser, and Hinrich Schütze. 2015. "Joint Lemmatization and Morphological Tagging with Lemming." Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, pp. 2268–2274, September. Accessed 2019-10-11.
- NUIT. 2019. "English Lemmatizer Example." MorphAdorner V2.0., Northwestern University Information Technology. Accessed 2019-10-11.
- NuGet. 2014. "LemmaGenerator." v1.1.0, NuGet, June 23. Accessed 2019-10-11.
- Schumacher, Alex. 2019. "When (not) to Lemmatize or Remove Stop Words in Text Preprocessing." Open Data Group, March 21. Accessed 2019-10-11.
- UD. 2018. "CoNLL 2018 Shared Task." Universal Dependencies, October 28. Accessed 2019-10-10.
Further Reading
- Heidenreich, Hunter. 2018. "Stemming? Lemmatization? What?" Towards Data Science, via Medium, December 21. Accessed 2019-10-11.
- Machine Learning Plus. 2018. "Lemmatization Approaches with Examples in Python." Machine Learning Plus, October 02. Accessed 2019-10-11.
- Fonseca, Erick. 2019. "State-of-the-art Multilingual Lemmatization." Towards Data Science, via Medium, March 14. Accessed 2019-10-11.
- Kanerva, Jenna, Filip Ginter, and Tapio Salakoski. 2019. "Universal Lemmatizer: A Sequence to Sequence Model for Lemmatizing Universal Dependencies Treebanks." August 04. Accessed 2019-10-10.
- Malaviya, Chaitanya, Shijie Wu, and Ryan Cotterell. 2019. "A Simple Joint Model for Improved Contextual Neural Lemmatization." arXiv, v2, April 05. Accessed 2019-10-11.
- Liu, Haibin, Tom Christiansen, William A Baumgartner Jr, and Karin Verspoor. 2012. "BioLemmatizer: a lemmatization tool for morphological processing of biomedical text." J Biomed Semantics, vol. 3, no. 3. Accessed 2019-10-10.
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See Also
- Stemming
- Natural Language Processing
- Computational Linguistics
- Neural Networks for NLP
- Part-of-Speech Tagging
- Text Normalization