Data Serialization

Data serialization and deserialization. Source: Paul 2017.
Data serialization and deserialization. Source: Paul 2017.

Data serialization is the process of converting data objects present in complex data structures into a byte stream for storage, transfer and distribution purposes on physical devices.

Computer systems may vary in their hardware architecture, OS, addressing mechanisms. Internal binary representations of data also vary accordingly in every environment. Storing and exchanging data between such varying environments requires a platform-and-language-neutral data format that all systems understand.

Once the serialized data is transmitted from the source machine to the destination machine, the reverse process of creating objects from the byte sequence called deserialization is carried out. Reconstructed objects are clones of the original object.

Choice of data serialization format for an application depends on factors such as data complexity, need for human readability, speed and storage space constraints. XML, JSON, BSON, YAML, MessagePack, and protobuf are some commonly used data serialization formats.


  • How does data serialization and deserialization work?
    Illustrating object serialized to flat textual (XML) format. Source: CIS 2019.
    Illustrating object serialized to flat textual (XML) format. Source: CIS 2019.

    Computer data is generally organized in data structures such as arrays, tables, trees, classes. When data structures need to be stored or transmitted to another location, such as across a network, they are serialized.

    For simple, linear data (number or string) there's nothing to do. Serialization becomes complex for nested data structures and object references. When objects are nested into multiple levels, such as in trees, it's collapsed into a series of bytes, and enough information (such as traversal order) is included to aid reconstruction of the original tree structure on the destination side.

    When objects with pointer references to other member variables are serialized, the referenced objects are tracked and serialized, ensuring that the same object is not serialized more than once. However, all nested objects must be serializable too.

    Finally, the serialized data stream is persisted in a byte sequence using a standard format. ISO-8859-1 is a popular format for 1-byte representation of English characters and numerals. UTF-8 is the world standard for encoding multilingual, mathematical and scientific data; each character may take 1-4 bytes of data in Unicode.

  • What are the applications of Data Serialization?

    Serialization allows a program to save the state of an object and recreate it when needed. Its common uses are:

    • Persisting data onto files – happens mostly in language-neutral formats such as CSV or XML. However, most languages allow objects to be serialized directly into binary using APIs such as the Serializable interface in Java, fstream class in C++, or Pickle module in Python.
    • Storing data into Databases – when program objects are converted into byte streams and then stored into DBs, such as in Java JDBC.
    • Transferring data through the network – such as web applications and mobile apps passing on objects from client to server and vice versa.
    • Remote Method Invocation (RMI) – by passing serialized objects as parameters to functions running on a remote machine as if invoked on a local machine. This data can be transmitted across domains through firewalls.
    • Sharing data in a Distributed Object Model – when programs written in different languages (running on diverse platforms) need to share object data over a distributed network using frameworks such as COM and CORBA. However, SOAP, REST and other web services have replaced these applications now.
  • Could you list some text-based Data Serialization formats and their key features?

    Without being exhaustive, here are some common ones:

    • XML (Extensible Markup Language) - Nested textual format. Human-readable and editable. Schema based validation. Used in metadata applications, web services data transfer, web publishing.
    • CSV (Comma-Separated Values) - Table structure with delimiters. Human-readable textual data. Opens as spreadsheet or plaintext. Used as plaintext Database.
    • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) - Short syntax textual format with limited data types. Human-readable. Derived from JavaScript data formats. No need of a separate parser (like XML) since they map to JavaScript objects. Can be fetched with an XMLHttpRequest call. No direct support for DATE data type. All data is dynamically processed. Popular format for web API parameter passing. Mobile apps use this extensively for user interaction and database services.
    • YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) - Lightweight text format. Human-readable. Supports comments and thus easily editable. Superset of JSON. Supports complex data types. Maps easily to native data structures. Used in configuration settings, document headers, Apps with need for MySQL style self-references in relational data.
  • Could you list some binary Data Serialization formats and their key features?

    Without being exhaustive, here are some common ones:

    • BSON (Binary JSON) - Created and internally used by MongoDB. Binary format, not human-readable. Deals with attribute-value pairs like JSON. Includes datetime, bytearray and other data types not present in JSON. Used in web apps with rich media data types such as live video. Primary use is storage, not network communication.
    • MessagePack - Designed for data to be transparently converted from/to JSON. Compressed binary format, not human-readable. Supports static typing. Supports RPC. Better JSON compatibility than BSON. Primary use is network communication, not storage. Used in apps with distributed file systems.
    • protobuf (Protocol Buffers) - Created by Google. Binary message format that allows programmers to specify a schema for the data. Also includes a set of rules and tools to define and exchange these messages. Transparent data compression. Used in multi-platform applications due to easy interoperability between languages. Universal RPC framework. Used in performance-critical distributed applications.
  • How do the various serialization formats compare on performance characteristics?
    Uber Engineering finds that Protobuf/Thift with zlib/Snappy compression offers best trade-off between speed and size. Source: Kjelstrøm 2016.
    Uber Engineering finds that Protobuf/Thift with zlib/Snappy compression offers best trade-off between speed and size. Source: Kjelstrøm 2016.

    Here's a brief comparison:

    • Speed – Binary formats are faster than textual formats. A late entrant, protobuf reports the best times. With compressed data, speed difference is even greater. For apps that aren't data intensive or real time, JSON is preferable due to readability and being schema-less.
    • Data size – This refers to the physical space in bytes post serialization. For small data, compressed JSON data occupies more space compared to binary formats like protobuf. With larger files, the gap narrows. Generally, binary formats always occupy less space.
    • Usability – Human readable formats like JSON are naturally preferred over binary formats. For editing data, YAML is good. For complex data types, cross-platform serialization libraries allow data structure to be defined in schemas (for text formats) or IDL (for binary formats). Schema definition is easy in protobuf, with in-built tools.
    • Compatibility, extensibility – JSON is a closed format. XML is average with schema versioning. Backward compatibility (extending schemas) is best handled by protobuf.
  • Which are the programming languages that offer good serialization support?

    Platform-independent languages offer better support for data serialization. Java, the pioneer of object serialization, supports in-built serialization (Serializable Interface) and custom serialization (Externalizable Interface). Python has newly introduced the Pickle module for the same.

    However, real-world environment is diverse and cross-platform. Most web applications are opting for platform-neutral data serialization formats. Open source formats JSON, XML, YAML, protobuf, MessagePack have support for all major programming languages such as C, C++, Java, Python, Perl, Go, etc. So the choice of language depends more on other factors, not on serialization any more.

  • What are the potential risks that affect data due to serialization?

    Naive use of object serialization may allow a malicious party with access to the serialization byte stream to read private data, create objects with illegal or dangerous state, or obtain references to the private fields of deserialized objects. Workarounds are tedious, not guaranteed. Oracle has promised to do away with object serialization and allow programmers to choose from open formats such as JSON, XML, etc.

    Open formats too have their security issues. XML might be tampered using external entities like macros or unverified DTD schema files. JSON data is vulnerable to attack when directly passed to a JavaScript engine due to features like JSONP requests. Programmers need to take care of such security vulnerabilities in their code, before deploying their applications.

  • Does the serialization process differ for Big Data?

    Even in Big Data, serialization refers to converting data into portable byte streams. But schema control is another important target in Big Data. Issues in data consistency such as blanks or wrong data values can be very costly, involving heavy data clean-up effort.

    The next important aspect is the ability to split and reconstruct data easily (for example by MapReduce). JSON or XML may not work well. Apache Hadoop has its own schema-based serialization format called Avro, similar to protobuf. Apache schemas are also defined based on JSON. Apache Hadoop uses RPC to talk to different components. Avro supports this very well.



CSV format is used in IBM Fortran machines from as early as 1972. The name CSV (Comma-Separated Values) itself is coined in the era of modern PCs, about 1983.


The term serialization is used in the context of data for the first time. In-built support for language-specific serialization is introduced in the Java language: Serializable interface for in-built support and Externalizable interface for user-defined implementation. Older languages like C did not have direct functions to serialize data.


XML 1.0 becomes a W3C Recommendation. XML, like its more popular cousin HTML, is derived from the original markup language SGML, which was created in the pre-internet era of the 1980s.


Douglas Crockford, credited with inventing JSON, popularizes its use around the year 2001. However, he reveals later that JSON was used at Netscape as early as 1996.


YAML, an extension of JSON, releases its first version.


MessagePack, another binary serialization format derived from JSON releases with support for all major programming languages.


Protocol Buffers from Google is released to the public. However, it's been in use internally since 2001.


BSON is released as an independent data serialization format in 2016. It originated in 2009 at MongoDB for its internal use.


Oracle decides to drop the Java serialization feature from future Java versions, calls it a “horrible mistake”, due to data security issues. Intends to replace it with a plugin framework where users can choose their serialization format such as JSON, XML or YAML.


  1. Avro Big Data. 2019. "Data Serialization and Evolution" Confluent Inc. Accessed 2019-02-26.
  2. Ben-Kiki, Oren and Clark Evans. 2009. "YAML™ Specification Index" Ingy döt Net. Accessed 2019-02-26.)
  3. Byte Encoding. 2015. "Web Page Encodings and Character Sets" Adobe Systems Incorporated. Accessed 2019-02-21.
  4. CIS. 2019. "Data Deserialization" Center for Internet Security®. Accessed 2019-02-21.
  5. CSV first use. 2019. "Comma-separated values". Wikipedia. Accessed 2019-02-26.
  6. Collins, Chris. 2008. "A Brief History of XML" Accessed 2019-02-26.
  7. Eriksson, Malin and Victor Hallberg. 2011. "Comparison between JSON and YAML for dataserialization" KTH Computer Science and Communication.
  8. Furuhashi, Sadayuki. 2012a. "My thoughts on MessagePack" GitHubGist. Accessed 2019-02-26.
  9. Furuhashi, Sadayuki. 2019. "MessagePack" MessagePack. Accessed 2019-02-26.
  10. Gupta, Shivam. 2019. "Serialize and Deserialize a Binary Tree" Accessed 2019-02-21.
  11. Joe. 2014. "Java Versions, Features and History" Javapapers. Accessed 2019-02-26.
  12. Kjelstrøm, Kåre. 2016. "How Uber Engineering Evaluated JSON Encoding and Compression Algorithms to Put the Squeeze on Trip Data." Uber Engineering, February 16. Accessed 2019-02-27.
  13. Konieczny, Bartosz. 2016. "Introduction to serialization in Big Data" Accessed 2019-02-26.
  14. Kvalheim, Christian Amor, Matt Broadstone, Dan Aprahamian and Leo Lamprecht. BSON Change Log. 2018. "Change Log" GitHub Inc. Accessed 2019-02-26.
  15. Larsgård, Nils. 2017. "Comparing sizes of protobuf vs json" Accessed 2019-02-26.
  16. Microsoft Docs. 2020. "Serialization (C#)." Programming Guide, .NET, Microsoft Docs, February 1. Accessed 2020-07-24.
  17. Novak, Maxim . 2014. "Serialization Performance comparison" M@X on DEV. Accessed 2019-02-26.
  18. Paul, Javin. 2017. "Top 10 Java Serialization Interview Questions and Answers" Javarevisited. Accessed 2019-02-26.
  19. Penland, Jon. 2018. "JSON Introduction and Resources" WhoIsHostingThis, Quality Nonsense Ltd. Accessed 2019-02-26.
  20. Petty, David. 2017. "XML vs. JSON: A Security Perspective" Independent Security Evaluators. Open formats Security. Accessed 2019-02-26.
  21. Protocol Buffers. 2018. " Developer Guide" Google Developers. Accessed 2019-02-26.
  22. Protocol Buffers GitHub. 2019. "Protobuf Performance" Protocol Buffers, GitHub Inc. Accessed 2019-02-26.
  23. Reitz, Kenneth, and Tanya Schlusser. 2020. "Scientific Applications." In: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python. Accessed 2020-07-24.
  24. Schmutz, Guido. 2018. "(Big) Data Serialization with Avro and Protobuf" Accessed 2019-02-26.
  25. Serialization Security. 2004. "Security in Object Serialization" Sun Microsystems Inc. Accessed 2019-02-26.
  26. Serialization Speed. 2016. "Beating JSON performance with Protobuf" Auth0 Inc. Accessed 2019-02-26.
  27. Waters, John K. 2018. "Waratek's Giannakidis:Removing Serialization from Java Is Not the End of the Story". Accessed 2019-02-26.
  28. Wenzel, Maira, Chris Maddock and Mike Jones. 2017. "Serialization concepts" Accessed 2019-02-21.
  29. Wikipedia. 2020a. "Serialization." Wikipedia, July 23. Accessed 2020-07-24.
  30. Wikipedia. 2020b. "Comparison of data-serialization formats." Wikipedia, July 17. Accessed 2020-07-24.
  31. del Alba, Lucero. 2016. "Data Serialization Comparison: JSON, YAML, BSON, MessagePack" SitePoint Pty. Ltd. Accessed 2019-02-19.
  32. protobuf History. 2019. "Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format" GoogleGit. Google Inc. Accessed 2019-02-26.

Further Reading

  1. Data Serialization, from The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python
  2. Serialization (C#), Microsoft .NET Docs
  3. Serialization and Unserialization, FAQ, ISO C++
  4. Java Serialization: Basic concept and Implementation, MRBool
  5. Serialization Techniques for Highly Scalable systems
  6. Data Serialization Comparison: JSON, YAML, BSON, MessagePack

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Devopedia. 2020. "Data Serialization." Version 9, July 24. Accessed 2024-06-25.
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Last updated on
2020-07-24 05:40:33

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